Thursday, September 03, 2015

Justice League Run Penang

July and August have been my leanest run months.  Since we came back from our July Manila vacation, I ran only once in Penang.  With no helper at home, I couldn't find the time to run regularly. My running time was spent doing house chores, preparing meals, going to the market and taking care of Sarah.  

I had to give up a half marathon race in Kuala Lumpur because I was not prepared well. My hotel stay was refunded but not the promo flight.  Oh well.

But the Justice League Run last August 30th was doable.  It was only 8km and just here in Penang.  I prepared my family's breakfast first before I left the house at 6am and was actually back home by 9:30am!  I felt less guilty leaving for my run :)

The 8km race was about to start!  Race started and ended at the Esplanade.
Run complete in my Wonder Woman shirt!
It turned out to be my fastest run, yey!

This is true even in life.  We all can be super heroes in our own ways.

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