Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Occupy Beach Street for the nth time!

The past two Sundays saw me and Sarah on the lively car-free zone of Lebuh Pantai (Beach Street).  Pythons, Chinese opera performers, giant Snakes and Ladders game on the street and master calligraphers are just some of the colourful characters one will encounter at Penang's Occupy Beach Street.  Never a dull visit here, always fun!

December 7.
Clockwise from top left:  a puppy encounter; kiddie ride; tasting her flower pot ice cream; buying from the uncle
The Chinese opera folks were hanging around the giant Snakes and Ladders game.  Look at the dice Sarah's trying to roll :)
There was a crafts table in one of the covered alley.  Sarah made her mini garden while we cool down from the heat.
We don't look it but we were both scared of the python haha! 
Stopever at the youth park playground before we headed home.

December 14.
We rented a bike with a toddler seat in front along Victoria Street.  RM12 only for the whole day, a great deal!
Stand up opera comics, a master calligrapher and a fire ball performer from Ukraine.  We only caught the tennis ball performance, apparently this guy did the fire balls earlier that day. 
Clowns making balloon shapes for kids.  Knife massage anyone?
Old school hopscotch in Bahasa Malay :)

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