Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Toilet paper rolls fun

Toilet paper roll crafts happen when you have a hyperactive toddler who doesn't want to sleep at 9pm.  We both had fun in the end :)

Meet Owlie, Olaf and Bubbles the Bee.
Happy with her new friends.

My unexpected passenger

This small, beautiful moth hanged on for dear life on the driver's window from the apartment all the way to my workplace.  Nice joyride for my unexpected passenger :)

Her fluttery wings caught my eye on my way out of the apartment.
She's a beauty! (Taken using iPhone 5S' highest zoom)

Sarah's first salon visit

Up until 2 weeks ago, I've always cut Sarah's hair.  I've been asking her go to a salon for a proper haircut but she refuses and insists on "Mama only cuts my hair".  She finally agreed to try it after her Gymboree class last December 6.   The little one seemed to enjoy her first salon visit :)

I already have a buddy during salon hair days yey!

Occupy Beach Street for the nth time!

The past two Sundays saw me and Sarah on the lively car-free zone of Lebuh Pantai (Beach Street).  Pythons, Chinese opera performers, giant Snakes and Ladders game on the street and master calligraphers are just some of the colourful characters one will encounter at Penang's Occupy Beach Street.  Never a dull visit here, always fun!

December 7.
Clockwise from top left:  a puppy encounter; kiddie ride; tasting her flower pot ice cream; buying from the uncle
The Chinese opera folks were hanging around the giant Snakes and Ladders game.  Look at the dice Sarah's trying to roll :)
There was a crafts table in one of the covered alley.  Sarah made her mini garden while we cool down from the heat.
We don't look it but we were both scared of the python haha! 
Stopever at the youth park playground before we headed home.

December 14.
We rented a bike with a toddler seat in front along Victoria Street.  RM12 only for the whole day, a great deal!
Stand up opera comics, a master calligrapher and a fire ball performer from Ukraine.  We only caught the tennis ball performance, apparently this guy did the fire balls earlier that day. 
Clowns making balloon shapes for kids.  Knife massage anyone?
Old school hopscotch in Bahasa Malay :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday photo from work

This is an annual tradition from the lab folks at my company.  We wear red shirts and Santa hats for our holiday photo, simple fun!

Holiday greetings from Avago's FA lab folks!


Cranky is what I get when my daughter has not taken her afternoon nap yet.  Sarah usually will distance herself in a corner and I let her steam off.  This can happen in and out of the house.  I tell her, "When you're done, let me know."  After a few minutes of crying, she will come and say, "Mama, I'm ready. I'm sorry"  Then we'll be friends again.  Oh Sarah!

Crying her heart out...at Ipoh's famous chicken rice shop!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hongkong Day 2 - Ocean Park

Day 2 saw us buying our Ocean Park tickets from a branch of China Travel Services just downstairs from our apartment.   One gets about 15% discount off theme park entrance tickets from CTS compared to buying at the gate parks.  For our group of 5 adults & 2 children, that's great savings!

We took the the bus+MTR combo to reach Ocean Park.  Hong Kong's public transport is really efficient and reliable, impressive!

I've already mapped out the attractions we'll visit within the park.  With a senior lady, my special brother and 2 toddlers, navigating the park has to be properly paced.  The highlight was the cable car, it was long and a bit scary but fun!  It was a great fun day at Ocean Park HK, a first for all of us.

Ocean Park Hong Kong
Bus ride to Ocean Park, everyone was excited!
Panda encounter
Cable car - scary but fun ride to the top!
The other cable car with Mama, Mitch, Jing and Sofi.

Kiddie train
Clockwise from top left: a talking tree, carousel ride, mini ferries wheel, cable car ride

Photo op with one of the fun characters inside the park
Panda shots
Animal encounters - a parrot and a sea lion.
Abet won 2 stuffed toys for each kiddos, nice hoop shots!

Old Hong Kong scenes
In front and inside the aquarium
Complete family shot :)

Family shot with the Aquarium behind
With the panda

Lola (grandmother) duties :)
Ocean Wonders show featuring the dolphins...
And a sea lion...huge!
Old Hong Kong area
Went inside the aquarium as night fell
Another group shot
And another...
Buying from a cute veggie vendor

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

MyTeksi I like!

With our one-car household policy, we rely on taxis on a regular basis. 

We used to call a taxi station to get a cab.  The wait varies between 20-30 minutes.  Rates depend on drivers, some charge just right while others charge much more. 

The MyTeksi app is the better, faster and safer way to ride taxis in Penang.  They do charge slightly higher but one feels much secure.

Once you've downloaded the app, key in your current location and destination.
The app will confirm your booking and will start to look for nearby drivers.
Once a driver is assigned, the app will show the driver's name and phone number, the taxi plate number and the estimated fee.
At times the driver will call the rider to confirm the booking and/or ask for exact directions. 
You board the taxi and off you go! 

​Note though that one needs internet connection to use the MyTeksi app.  A RM2 fee is also charged but it's a small price to pay for the safety and convenience of MyTeksi. 

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Halloween 2014

Work has been on overdrive these past months causing absence on my posts.   My workload looks much lighter this week so will attempt to do backlog posts.   I have only posted Day 1 of our HK trip, and that happened last July!  Oh well, life happens.


This was the first year a mall wide Trick or Treat event happened at Penang.  It was held at Straits Quay marina mall.  It was very well organized, hats off to the organizers!  The kids were divided into several groups and ushers led the way to different participating shops.  Everyone was very excited, kids and adults alike :)

Reena dressed up as a cowgirl.  We didn't know if her mom will let her spend Halloween with us so I have to make do with an easy costume for Reena.  A day before Halloween we were still in the mall to get her a hat and a scarf.

Sarah insisted on being Queen Elsa from, of course, the Frozen movie.  I ordered her Elsa dress online one week prior and was getting real anxious over the delivery.  The package arrived 3 days before Halloween so all was well, although I was already thinking of plan B in case the package didn't arrive on time.

Both girls had a great time experiencing their first Trick or Treat.  Got a lot of sweets from the mall shops and ate their candies on the way home.  Reena and Sarah are already excitedly planning next year's costumes!

Posing before we left the apartment
Early dinner at Chicago Ribs
Great costumes everywhere at Straits Quay mall.  There were dozens of Elsas and Annas!

Trick or Treating around the mall shops, fun!
The first Christmas tree we found at Gurney Hotel lobby; posing before the Trick or Treat event started.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Donna's Penang visit

One of my former colleagues and friend from Intel Philippines, Donna, came to Penang for a business trip at Penang.  It was good catching up with her, see you soon Donna!
Clockwise from top left: Photo op with a snowman; spicy Thai dinner; admiring the hanging snowflakes; buying pasalubong tidbits
Shoe shopping at Queensbay Mall