Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Siblings visit

My sister Jing, with her 3 year old daughter Sophia, and my brother Rap have been visiting us since September 17.   It's been a riot!  Fun and happy most of the time, with the occasional tantrums and fights between the toddler girls.

We've been taking them around left and right hence the scarcity of posts lately.  I'll blog more about their visit in the upcoming weeks. 

Below are just snippets of sibling love+fun we've been having lately. 

Pet Zoo at Lost World of Tambun
Pool fun!
Sofi at the butterfly feeding area.
Snake holding at the Butterfly Farm.
Butterfly love.
Horse riding at Batu Ferringhi beach.
Cousin love.
Best friends and cousins.
Rap loved the swing at Youth Park.
Goat farm visit.
Goofin' around :)
Marz, Rap and Jing at Canton-i dinner.

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