Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Durians (and mangosteens) of Penang

Durian, the king of fruits, is an acquired taste.  Honestly, it was not love at first bite for me when I first tasted the bittersweet, creamy durian flesh back in 2003.  After I moved to Penang in 2007, I couldn't not give it another go.  My husband and stepkids are crazy about the fruit.  They would buy several kilos in one go, finish it at home and go back for more the following weekend!  After tasting different varieties, I gradually fell in love with it too.

Durian comes from the word “duri” which translates as thorn in the Bahasa Malaysia language.  The Penang durian season starts at May, peaks on June and July, and tail ends at August.  They say plantations around Balik Pulau, Pantai Aceh and Teluk Bahang produce some of the best durians in the country.  The fruit is categorized according to different grades depending on their taste, color, texture and aroma.  Famous varieties include Musang King, Red Prawn, Ang Heh, Hor Lor, D604, etc. 

Mangosteen season coincides with durian.  People who buy durian almost always buy mangosteen too. The recent ones we've bought were very sweet and juicy.  These two fruits are a good pairing for an afternoon snack.

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