Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heritage Walk Team building

Two weeks back, I was part of a fun amazing race-like team building event at Georgetown's Heritage sites. 

The team building started with a light breakfast at Eastern and Oriental Hotel followed by a short introduction going over some basic ground rules, then the race was off!  Teams accumulate points by solving puzzles along the heritage trail and performing team tasks.  The routes were mixed up so there would not be multiple teams at once at the same location.

Buffet lunch was served at E&O Hotel's Sarkies Corner.  There was an afternoon session which included several more team games and some boring team building talks.  Last part was announcing the team winners. 

Surprise, surprise!  Our team won even if we really didn't set out to win!  The only downside was our prize - a self-help book, boo! 

Snapshots at the E&O Hotel grounds
Clockwise from top left: morning exercise; breakfast socials; our team's table
Puzzle answers found on various heritage shops across Georgetown.
Group picture at The Goddess of Mercy Temple (Kuan Yin Temple) along the Street of Harmony.
Another group shot, this time at the Pinang Peranakan Mansion.
Clockwise from top left: afternoon group activity; tasting dare at Little India; Indian spices; inside the spice store; cosmetics clue from Peranakan Mansion; DIY boats.

CLockwose from top left: the scoreboard - Dark Pink team scored 220 points!; our team boat, the first to submit hence the highest scorer; part of the tasting dare at Little India - mixed spices wrapped in some type of leaf.
Team Dark Pink wins!!!

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