Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post Haiyan

It’s been almost 3 weeks since Supertyphoon Haiyan devastated Central Luzon in the Philippines.  It was heart wrenching to see how my countrymen' family, friends and livelihood were washed away by the super storm. 

I sent out an appeal for financial help to my colleagues as I wanted to help in any small way.  I was overwhelmed by their response and support, collecting quite a sum of RM3400 (~P47,000). I sent our donation to marketmanila.com who's family and crew were doing  relief aid to Northern Cebu victims.  My husband and I preferred to help through this private group as we felt they were more trustworthy than corruption-tainted local officials.  And true enough, Marketman and crew were able to deliver relief aids much faster than the local officials, providing much needed rice, canned goods, noodles and water to the disaster victims. 

There's a tremendous amount of work to be done to bring order to all the affected provinces and my country is very grateful to all nations who've helped and still helping restore life back to normal.  My government also has to seriously look into how they prepare and respond every time natural disasters (volcanic eruption, earthquake, typhoons, erosion) strike my beloved country. 

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