Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ipoh visit

Ravi's elder brother, Morgan, is halfway on his 2 week vacation from the US; he'll fly back by Saturday evening (Nov. 3)

For this weekend, the brothers decided to visit their cousins, Papa and Puspa, at Ipoh.  It's also like a Deepavali visit as they both won't here in Malaysia then.  Deepavali is the Indian culture's Festival of Lights, which falls on November 13.  Morgan will be back in the US, while Ravi will be travelling to Costa Rica during Deepavali.

With Puspa's family.  Puspa is the lady wearing a dark brown blouse and beige skirt.
With Puspa's family

With Puspa's family

With Papa's family. Papa's the lady wearing a black shirt.

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