Monday, March 26, 2012

Reena turns 7

For Reena's 7th birthday, we had lunch at Ferringhi Garden at Batu Ferringhi.  

We were a bit disappointed as they only had a smaller portion of the restaurant open for lunch.  The rest of the restaurant opens for dinner only.  The whole place is really nice with all the flower garden and big pots with small fishes and a few tadpoles.  For the lunch crowd, the menu was also trimmed down.But it was too late to go to another place, everyone was hungry at almost 2pm!  So we stayed.  The good side of the coin was we were the only customers that day so we had the place to ourselves.  

After ordering, Reena and Sarah toured the smallish garden while I snapped their photos.  Food we ordered were chicken pizza, club sandwiches, burgers and fresh fruit juices.  Food was good but on the pricey side.

At home, we celebrated with Baskin Robbins' cookies and cream ice cream cake. And gifts galore for the birthday girl! 

Happy 7th birthday Reena.  Continue to be a good girl, we love you!

She's 7!
Her birthday gifts from Daddy and me
We granted her request of Baskin Robbins ice cream cake
Reena's birthday lunch at Ferringhi Coffee Garden.
Happy 7th birthday Reena!

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