Friday, March 28, 2014

Occupying Beach Street

Project Occupy Beach Street  hosts family oriented activities such as music and cultural performances, magic shows, arts & crafts for kids, street games and more.  There are also market stalls of food, clothes, souvenirs and accessories.  It's held every Sunday at Lebuh Pantai or Beach Street and closed to traffic between 7am - 1pm.

We've been there twice and it's a great and inexpensive way to spend a Sunday morning.  Last Sunday, Sarah brought along her scooter and she had a great time gliding around.

This scooter is actually is a good investment for my back, she doesn't ask to be carried around anymore! 
Throwing plastic shuttlecocks into the colorful pails can get a kid rewarded with a simple candy.  Sarah was like, "Mama, mama, I won a prize!" like it's the biggest prize ever! Kids' simple joys.
Getting up close and personal with a puppy.  Scared when trying to hold the cute dog.
Hula-hoops and chalk on the street.
Enjoying her cat balloon at Beach Street.

Just one of the characters you'll meet at Occupy Beach Street.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tesco online - nice!

A new favorite -

Last week I tried something new - grocery shopping at Tesco online.

After a simple registration process, I started clicking away.  I was so excited when I saw some of our frequent grocery items have amazing deals, with savings as much as RM24! 

Below are the great deals I got from last week's online shopping spree:

Naturel Blend Canola & Sunflower Oil
Now RM19.90, Before RM43.99, Saving of RM24.09.

Pediasure Complete for Kids 1-10 Years Vanilla 1.8kg
​Now RM142.99, Before RM156.99, Saving of RM14.

Nutella Ferrero Hazelnut-Cocoa Spread 375g
Now RM13.99, Before RM24.99, Saving RM11.

Kleenex Ultra Soft Fresh 3 Ply Toilet Tissue
Now RM23.99, Before RM31.90, Saving RM7.91.
Shoppers can conveniently choose the delivery time slot in two hour increments.  I chose the 8-10pm slot, and the Tesco guys arrived at our apartment at 8:20pm   They actually called in at 5:30pm asking if they can deliver but since I was still at work, I asked them to deliver later.

We unloaded the grocery items from their blue plastic crates straight to our pantry. 

Payment can either be in cash or card. The delivery staff brought along a debit/credit card machine for my payment after which I signed the delivery receipt and they were off.  I find them very professional and polite, good customer orientation!

What’s the RM8 delivery fee if one can get huge savings right?!   
For our regular grocery staples, Tesco online service is now the way to go. 
Two thumbs up Tesco!

Hopeful ending for MH370's fate

It's more than a week since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from KL to Beijing went missing.  Sadly, still no good news from any search operations.

There have been lots of speculations on what really happened to the mysterious flight, with confusing and sometimes contradicting news.  There was even a ‘bomoh’ or witch doctor who performed rituals at KLIA airport to the chagrin and embarrassment of most Malaysians!   Now the latest possibility the authorities are entertaining is of the pilots' deliberate suicide. 

Fervently hoping this unfortunate event has a good ending.  Our prayers go to the families waiting for news on the fate of their loved ones on board.

Coincidentally, the time frame of that ill-fated flight is the same with Ravi's flight from San Francisco to Hongkong.  He was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean at that time.  When he landed at HK and heard the news, he called to let me know of the missing plane.  Naturally, I was a bit agitated and concerned as he still had 2 more flights before he reach Penang (Hongkong - Singapore then Singapore - Penang).  But he got back home safely, thank goodness.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Melody Kindy woes

Last December, we enrolled Sarah at a nearby school, Melody Kindy.  She was put in the Nursery class for 2-3 year old toddlers, which runs from 8-12nn.  I was there on her first day, of course a big day for both of us.  Surprisingly, I was the only parent who accompanied a kid on the first day of class. 

During the mid-morning snack time, kids with baon (packed food) can start eating. I packed a sandwich and fruit slices for Sarah so she got to eat right away.  Kids who didn't bring anything are called one by one and were provided 2 small biscuits.  However, this process took a long time as most kids are not yet proficient in scooping biscuits with a spoon.  Why not just ask them to use their hands in getting biscuits right?  The kids who finished eating started to wander around and tinker with the toys in the open cabinets. They got scolded and asked to sit again.  What the heck are the toys for then?  Just for display?  Mind you, the kids also have to wait until the teachers finish their food.  There was no music playing in the background, no toys/puzzles for the kids to amuse themselves, not even a kiddie show on tv.  They just expect the kids to sit down and wait.

The second part of the morning was spent upstairs, where they have different play areas such as cooking, painting, puzzle, playhouse, among others.  Here, the 13 toddlers were grouped into four and each group spent about 15minutes in one play area while the rest of the class waited in the open mat with toys and puzzles.  But once a kid strays away from the mat, the teacher is quick to scold that kid to go back and stay within the mat area only.  Sarah also went from one play area to another but she was scolded gently, primarily because I was there. 

I was expecting a play-based learning approach with more singing and story-telling and A LOT LESS SCOLDING.  I'm pretty sure much more scoldings happen when there's no parent around.

The next two days when I pick her up at noon, she's so relieved to see me, hugging me real tight with signs of tears in her eyes.  Sarah ended up spending only 3 days in that kindy school before we pulled her out.  She said she doesn't want to go to the yellow school anymore.  (Note that a few weeks before, she was very, very excited to go to school.)  When asked why, her reply was, "The teachers are not nice."  I can't say I blame her as I've seen firsthand how the teachers operate in the class.

Getting the refund was also a nightmare, of the RM1200+ school & miscellaneous fees we paid, we only got back RM270 and a few pieces of workbooks.

Anyway, Ravi and I have already decided that Sarah will only go to school when she turns 4 next year.  We feel that with Sarah's restless and highly inquisitive nature, which she got from her father, she won't fit in a traditional kindy school.  We're looking into enrolling her in the school right in front of our apartment, the Fairview International School.

Morning assembly with some exercise and kindy theme song singing
Snack time kids are expected to sit still for almost an hour No kiddie music playing in the background, no toys or puzzles to while away the time.
At the play mat upstairs with some shape puzzle
Playing horsie
Playing puzzle with another boy

Have to keep within the mat area
Wearing her kindy uniform on her second day.  Look at that forced smile/smirk haha

Sarah moments

Photos taken using a low resolution smartphone that Ravi was using (for a very short while!) before he switched to an iPhone.  Notice - this post is photo heavy.

A visit to our favorite pet store at Jalan Burma, Che Thean Yeang Aquarium
Arcade time at Gurney Plaza
Wearing her birthday dress gift from my colleague Hong Choon
Brushing Mama's teeth before she lets me brush her teeth :)
Eating on the way to her ballet class

Chinese New Year decor at Queensbay Mall
Ballet dancing at Island's Hospital lobby

Making her gelatin
Doing homework, printables for Nursery kids
One of our walks at the (man made) lakeside in front of the apartment.

Lakeside walk with her siblings
Lego fun at Alabang Town Center

McDonald's breakfast with Reena before we went to the wet market
Noodles dinner at Max's, a favorite Chinese restaurant at Gurney Plaza
Another dinner at Max's
Alphabet puzzle (Christmas gift from Tita Abi) at home

Grocery time at Tesco
Photo op at one of the fancy motorbikes parked at the apartment
My mother, Sophia and Jing waiting for food at Pancake House Festival Mall
Abi, Rap, me and Sarah
Sarah and Sofi posing with Olaf

Carousel ride with Sofi and Sarah, Festival Mall Level 2
In a bookstore at Mall of Asia

Elevator apartment snapshot with Reena
Frozen movie at Gurney Plaza
Fish feeding at the lakeside with siblings Vishnu and Reena
At the Bonia signage, Queensbay Mall

With our very petite Christmas tree :)
Christmas gifts opening with siblings
Always first during attendance check at Tutu Tots ballet class
Tutu Tots ballet class.  From left: Yau Yau, Angeline, Teacher Alicia, Sarah, Wei Yen, three other girls whose names escape me now

Last class picture with the mommies