Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kitakits with Sheila

'Twas a short biz trip by Sheila.  We met up with her on her last night (Thursday) and had dinner at Nando's with Flor and Rommel's family.  Nice to hear that most of the senior managers at our beloved ex-company, Intel, are on board Lattice Semiconductor.  It's already 'Intel Inside' there she said :)

Friday, May 04, 2012

Back to dates

With Sarah getting older and a househelp (Esther) to take care of her, Ravi and I have started our weekly dates again. Nothing fancy, just the usual movie dates, dinner and drinking at one of our favorite pubs (OB's, Fireplace and Bierlin's Bier Houz). 

Before Sarah came along, we go out at least once a week.  Sometimes two or three dates in a week!  So it was understandably frustrating for Ravi to have his partner in crime "absent" for several months.  Ravi missed the going outs more than I do, because Sarah became my priority when she came out. Naturally, women focus on the baby so much so that men take a backseat on the priority queue.  Of course, Ravi understands how it was so he went 'solo' for a while. He didn't pressure me or made me feel guilty for not joining him. 

Now that Sarah's getting more independent, I feel much more comfortable leaving her once a week to have that date with my husband. I figure if the parents are happy going out together, that happiness will naturally cascade down to the children.

Education fund for Sarah

We're starting Sarah's education plan this month through AIA.  Ravi and I settled on AIA Insurance as the better and more stable company among the market right now.  The policy is to pay for her education fund until she's 18 years old.  In case something happens to either parents (death or PWD), the insurance will guarantee the balance and ensure Sarah will have it when she turns 18.  We believe it's better to start building children funds as early as one can.