Monday, June 27, 2011

Visit to Saanen Goat Farm

June 19, 2011

We took a leisurely drive to idyllic Balik Pulau town to visit a goat farm and a durian farm.  The directions to the goat farm were not too specific, we took a couple of wrong turns before we found it.

The farm houses Saanen type of goats, all for milk production and some goat meat here and there.

With the goats!
We were initially scared the goats will bite if we pet them, but they turned out very friendly!  Although they did try to bite our shirts from time to time!

Brave Reena
We bought 10 bottles of pastuerized goat's milk and a couple of durians that they were selling as well.  We decided to skip the durian farm, most of us were already quite sticky and hot.

A bit scared touching one of the goats
Mom and Sarah

Color book

June 26, 2011

Here's Sarah enjoying her color book...she dwells mostly on the red/blue page.

Sarah meets Raine

June 17, 2011

Met Donald's family (wife Lhet and 9month old Raine) for dinner at Canton-I, Queensbay Mall.  Donald was a fellow FA engineer at Intel Cavite, who's working for Intel Malaysia now.

Raine and Sarah busy doing what babies do best - putting things in their mouth!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sarah's birth story

Dear Sarah,

Mommy's last day at work was Jan. 14, 2011 (Friday).  Your expected due date was Jan. 19 (Wednesday).  I've been asking you months in advance if you can hold off coming out in this world until Mommy's support group arrives.  Mom's kinda afraid you know.

Jan. 15 (Saturday), my support group (Lola Merly, Lola Tiya, Tita Abet and Tito Rap) finally arrived, yey!

Jan. 16 (Sunday), I drove your lolas to the wet market.  I felt fine the whole day.  Most of the day was spent talking and laughing.

Jan. 17 (Monday).  About 3am, I woke up with tummy pains.  I wasn't too sure if it's labor time as my water has not broken, but the tummy contractions were slowly building pace.  Mom googled labors signs just to double check :)  

When I was finally convinced, I took my bath at 5am, got ready, double checked the hospital bag, then woke up your dad and your lolas.  Daddy drove me and your lola Merly to Island hospital at Georgetown, Penang.  Daddy was teasing me to get you out soon so his emergency leave would not be wasted :)

By 8:30am, the nurse/midwife burst my water bag.  The (painful) wait has begun!  It was relatively tolerable for the first hour, then the contractions and its twin pain eventually increased.  I was pretty quiet throughout the birth labor, trying very hard to imagine the sunny beaches of Bohol and Palawan to get my mind off the pain.  No screaming mama this one, just very controlled breathing and holding on tightly onto the bed rails.  Took several exhausting attempts to push you out, and then finally, you came out at 12:54pm!

You're my angel sweet Sarah, mommy loves you!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Here we go...

Finally, after several days of procrastination, I'm officially starting this.  

Sarah girl, this is your mom's way of documenting snippets of our family life (and random stuff of your mom's interests) as you grow.

I'll hold your little finger in my hand, come let's see where this road leads to.